
Hex.28 and hex.4 Ridgepoles and rocks

Hexagram 28 has this character: the ridgepole:

 In the fanyao of line 3 one finds the masonry-lined well and in the one of line 4 stone. 
The fanyao of line 3 is 47.3. There you find a rock or stone: the character is a picture of a rock falling from a ledge.
And in the fanyao of line 4, in 48.4, this character: “brick wall of a well”. Top left in the character the picture of fire. Top right probably straw, bottom unknown to me.

Hexagram 47 is the upside-down (Pang tong gua) of hexagram 48, and 47.4 corresponds to 48.3.

Hexagram 28 does not visibly change when you turn it upside-down. Or does it???
Maybe the sagging ridgepole of line 3 corresponds upside-down with the eminent ridgepole of line 4.

The Mirrors 28.3, 28.4, 47.3 and 48.4 are all four together one 'unit'. Mirrors and reflections of each other. Every mirror has a 'theme', something which connects all four. In this Mirror the theme has to do with the strength of stone and poles/ treetrunks. Organic and inorganic strength.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you LiSe for the great 10/1/2019 post on Hexagram 54, very helpful to me.

    -Jacob Newell
